St Joseph's Mossley 
see us on Facebook @ 


This newsletter starts  30.3.2025


Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent there will be Stations of the Cross at 6pm in both churches.

If you are able to join us in this ancient prayer of the Church please try and come along.

An important question regarding finances of the parish.

If you have not already done so, would you be able to set up a direct debit or a standing order to pay your offertory to the parish?  If you can do this, it would save a lot of time trying to balance our accounts and would really help to cut down on the accounting workload (which is considerable).  Please think about this and take a form from the back of church. Thank you.

Any news to share?

If you would like to share news or information with the parish, why not use the newsletter and the website?  Please give any information to Fr. Jim before noon on Friday when the newsletter is compiled. Thanks.

Friday Soups for Lent are back!

We are offering a simple Friday lunch; every Friday in Lent (except Good Friday).  The idea is you join us for a “simple” lunch, and give the money you would have used to make or buy your own lunch as a donation to

The Good Life Orphanage.

This is a chance to both do something “out of the ordinary” for Lent, and also help raise funds for the poor.

We raised £132 on Friday, thank you to all who came, and those who made soup!

All soups - homemade

AGAIN, THIS FRIDAY – come and join us!!

12 noon at St Joseph’s

Sacred Heart Uppermill


 From 5th April there will be only ONE collection. This will be by pew, so plates will be sent around as was previously the custom.

Knit and Natter Group

Would you like to join in a time for knitting and crocheting?  Both for experts and for those who would love to learn.  Maybe on a Tuesday morning after the 10am Mass.  Please have a word with Mary Jones.

Mary is also keen to learn from those more experienced than herself!


Lent Station Mass

THIS WEEK  - 1st of April at Saint Ann's Ashton

Tuesday the 1st of April at Saint Ann's Ashton

Tuesday the 8th of April St Edwards Lees

if you are able to join us for any or all of these masses, you will be most welcome.

All masses begin at 7:00pm


Uppermill - SPRING PLANT SALE There are a few forms at the back of church for anyone interested in buying plants organised by Saddleworth Church. S Gibson


Jubilee of Missionaries of Mercy
This March, we continue our Jubilee of Jubilees series by exploring the theme of mercy in relation to Lent and the Jubilee to better understand how we are called to respond in this holy year of grace. For our latest resources, please visit


Laudato Si’ Centre E-News
The Diocese of Salford’s Laudato Si’ Centre has created a new E-Newsletter to help you stay up to date on the latest events and activities at the Centre. Sign up now at

Masses this week.

Monday No Mass

Tuesday9:30 exposition 10am Mass – M

Tuesday Station Mass 7pm @ St Anns Ashton

Wednesday9:30 Rosary, 10am Mass - U

Thursday 9:30 exposition 10am Mass - M

Friday 9:30 Rosary, 10am Mass - U

Saturday 12:15am Mossley

Saturday 6pm Uppermill

Sunday 9:30 am Uppermill

Sunday  11.00 am Mossley

Sacred Heart Uppermill

Financial News

As Sacred Heart moves into the Salford Diocese, one of our issues is the transfer of parish funds and the re-registering of those who so kindly Gift Aid to the parish.

We need you to fill out a new form for the diocese of Salford, they are now at the back of church.  Please take one and return it next week.  Many thanks.

Mossley 100 Club Winning Numbers     

1st  prize 78 Danny Power

2nd Prize 99 Margaret Banks

3rd Prize 22 Denise Ebbington

Thanks for your support.

Sacred Heart - CHURCH SHOP  The shop is in great need of donations.  Clothes, bric a brac, household items, children’s toys and other things all gratefully received.  You can also pop in for a cuppa and snack anytime between 9am and 12.30 Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

All services, Masses, baptisms weddings and funerals are live streamed from both Sacred Heart Church and St Joseph’s in Mossley.  Please go to the respective web sites and follow the instructions.


Have you got any gold that you do not use? A lost earing, a broken bracelet?  Anything you are not using or has been sitting in a jewelry box unloved? We can collect this gold and weigh it in; this would be a great source of income for both of our parishes.  Please hand items to Fr Jim.  Thanks!

LENT COURSE 2025. The course has now started

 Monday 10th March and runs for 5 weeks. Venues and leaders are:

Tuesdays 1.30 – 3.00pm at Greenfield Methodist led by B Christopher & S Titmuss

Wednesdays 8.00 – 9.30pm at St Anne’s Lydgate led by H Edgerton & V Stocker

Thursdays 1.30 – 3.00pm at Delph Methodist led by K McNally

Thursdays 7.00 – 8.30pm at Ebenezer, Uppermill led by J Rosedale & A Lee

Fridays 10.00 – 11.00am at Uppermill Methodist centre. Led by members of the group

Caritas Salford
We continue to work closely with Caritas Salford to raise awareness and tackle the issue of slavery in our diocese. If you are interested in holding an awareness session in your parish or deanery, please get in touch by emailing

A Reminder – The Wednesday Word

The Wednesday WORD is a resource for you to use at home. The idea is that you spend some time working through the readings for the following Sunday, it is put together by a Jesuit priest who will lead you through the readings as well as giving insights into the readings.

To get to the Wednesday Word site, simply press this link

This information is on our website. This is something you might like to make use of during the period of Advent.

 Weekday Mass

I would like to encourage you, if you are able, to join us for weekday masses on Wednesday and Friday at Sacred Heart and Tuesday and Thursday at St Joseph’s, Mossley.  I always think that beginning the day with holy Mass is a great way to begin any day.  Why not think about it and come along to join us?

Accessible Prayer Walk
The Diocese of Salford's Laudato Si' Centre is teaming up with diocesan charity Caritas Salford to host an accessible prayer walk. The session offers an opportunity to explore the beautiful, accessible grounds of the Laudato Si' Centre along with a peaceful prayer between 10 and 11.30am on Friday 31 January. Find out more and register by emailing


A reminder.

The Rosary is prayed at 9:30am each day in Uppermill.

Knit and Natter Group

Would you like to join in a time for knitting and crocheting?  Both for experts and for those who would love to learn.  This Tuesday morning after the 10am Mass. For more information please have a word with Mary Jones on 07920886865.

Mary is also keen to learn from those more experienced than herself!



Many thanks to all who donate stamps. We have had a lovely letter from Willow Wood Hospice which is on the notice board in the porch.

Masses received this week.

Lately Dead

Liz Peat

Enza Azzara

Paddy Conlon

Yvonne Wagstaff

Sean Hennigab

John Abbott

Valerie Tyrrell



Ethel Lancashire

 Sheila Clark

 Wilfred Ferrall

 James Crewdson

 James Burns

Lawrence Hyden

Derek Lawton


Special Intentions

Pal Murray

Harry Bailey

Eileen and Graham Partington

Masson Family

Boyd Family

Stella Mason (S)

Melinda Tierney

Salford Lourdes Diocesan Youth Group - Are there any young people in your parish who might want to join this year's pilgrimage to Lourdes? The Salford Lourdes Coordination Team and the Diocesan Youth Ministry Team have set up a new "group" so that any young person can join the pilgrimage without having to set up a parish or school-based group. The pilgrimage dates are from 30th July to 7th August inclusive of travel, which is by coach, and will cost £669 including travel, hotel accommodation, and all meals.
Young people can join one of three age groups:

♦13-15 (aspiring volunteers)      ♦16-17       ♦18+

If you might be interested, please send an email to and all the information you need will be sent back to you.

Sunday Morning Coffee

Every Week after Sunday Mass, we have coffee for about half an hour. Please come and join us if you are able.  It's a great time to catch up and have a chat.

A reminder – on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, there is half an our of Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament, if you can join us that would be wonderful. If you are unable to come to church but would like to join in this prayer time, it is live streamed – please go to the web site and follow the link to the live streaming.