This is the place to make your voice heard.

Saturday 18th May 2024

“I hope for a new Church when the Universal Synod completes its work and guides our faith in the 21st century.”

Total 589 Group responses (Adult) 271 Group responses (C/YP) 59 Individual responses (Adult) 207 Individual responses (C/YP) 43 Organisations. 9 Adults C/YP Main Thematic Areas

● We need to recognise the church as a whole body. “We, the people, are the church.”

● Priests are important and valued. “Having lovely priests in our parish makes attending church easier. They make us welcome. Our faith would be harder if we didn’t have them.”

● The laity are prepared to “step up.” “Appreciate the giftedness of its laity - engage with them.”

● There needs to be a way forward on the issue of women and leadership. “The church is breathing with one lung - the ordination of women would transform the church”

● Investing in children and young people is essential for the future of the Church. “Don’t see the need for religion” “Fascinated and thirsty”

● Not-addressing contemporary issues creates a barrier to faith for many. “Not many churches are connecting with younger people and don’t seem to do much to connect with them.”

● The majority no longer want to simply be a “beacon” - they want to reach out. “For me it’s all about relationship.”

● Building community is a continual and cooperative process. “Children unruly or not should always be welcome in the even if they are noisy”

● Each individual parish is situated within a specific local community, which has its own context. There might not be a “one size fits all” solution as to how to do community outreach. “Every Church in the Diocese will have different needs and circumstances.”

● Clear communication is repeatedly raised as essential for progress and cooperation. “To be open to listening to what parishioners feel they need.” ● Social media may be a concern in some areas, but it is a question of how it is used - there will be no Catholic presence to find, if the space is filled by someone else. “We need to…break into the media world, and especially to reach younger generations. There is a strong need for the faith to be communicated.”

● Church participation, in whatever form, provides hope and supports developing faith. Restricted access excludes people from faith. “God would like to bring children to Mass , encourage young families and make it a bit easier for them to attend”

● People want the Diocese specifically, and the Church more generally, to understand the social and economic barriers they face. “It's hard to concentrate on God when your starving and can't pay the rent after working a full week.”

● The need to welcome people is consistently mentioned, but is not defined. Some people include the need to accept people as part of welcoming people, others unconsciously frame their welcome with boundaries. “To be more understanding and accepting of individuals and families who don’t appear to conform to all of the Catholic teachings and to welcome anyone into church as equals.”

● According to priests, the Diocese needs to make connections with, listen to, include and learn from different cultures, instead of keeping its distance. “It is vital that the Churches allow people to gather before and after Mass for informal chats and exchange of news.”

● The Church needs to carefully consider how it treats divorced Catholics. “If I can be in communion with the church after confession and a murder conviction, why can’t my father take communion when he has been divorced.”

● The Church needs to carefully consider how it treats LGBTQ+ Catholics. “Treat all God’s children with love. Their souls belong to Him, only He should judge.”

● Practical, physical access to the Church is often not a priority, causing problems for those affected. “My disabilities make it hard for me to participate in the community life of my parish”

● Linguistic access affects both non-English and English speakers. “Tolerance within the Church to Catholics who love traditional liturgies”

● Gaps in education cause people to call out for training in their faith; they want to engage spiritually and for the Church to facilitate meeting with God. “Baptised people don't understand doctrine.”

● Technology should be used positively to enhance the Church’s position and voice within society. “To be more prominent in the world and to be open and transparent. To appeal to young people by being obvious and public in their good works.”

● Wanting to be Christ-like is a common value, even if there are different interpretations of what being Christ-like means. “Recognising and protecting the dignity of all.”

● Service is seen as a core Catholic value “God is asking for the Church to shift from religiosity to practical things”

● Being Christ-like is equated by most responses as meeting people where they are at. “The church needs to live through Jesus’ example and meet people where they are”

● Dealing with historical abuses and trauma is still something that the Church is not perceived as having done effectively.

● When contemplating if/how to change, younger Catholics especially want the Church to think outside the box rather than resort to what has always been done. They want the Church to be organised according to how society functions now, rather than how it functioned hundreds of years ago. “A voice for the voiceless” Thinking Outside the Box A teenager does not attend Mass because it is early on a Sunday morning. A woman complains because she cannot find a husband. There are repeated requests to fix the church boiler. Remaining Questions

● How is the church going to define its values and characteristics?

● What does inclusivity and welcome actually look like on a practical level?

● Quieter voices also need to be heard, as they are also important. Transparent Humble Honest Empathetic Listening Compassionate Non-judgemental Kind Loving Teaching Servant-hearted Obedient Christ-like Faithful Community-minded Safe Tolerant Outward-looking? Accessible Approachable Welcoming Open Modern? Remaining Questions

● How is the church going to define its values and characteristics?

● What does inclusivity and welcome actually look like on a practical level?

● Quieter voices also need to be heard, as they are also important. Listen “Are we going to make the same mistakes and just talk?” Talk Change

Saturday 18th May 2024

● People are placing a lot of hope in the synod listening process.

● This bestows great responsibility, opportunity and risk.

● We need to recognise the church as a whole body.

● Priests are important and valued.

● The laity are prepared to “step up.”

● There needs to be a way forward on the issue of women and leadership.

● Investing in children and young people is essential for the future of the Church.

● Not-addressing contemporary issues creates a barrier to faith for many. ● The majority no longer want to simply be a “beacon” - they want to reach out.

● Building community is a continual and cooperative process.

● Each individual parish is situated within a specific local community, which has its own context. There might not be a “one size fits all” solution as to how to do community outreach.

● Clear communication is repeatedly raised as essential for progress and cooperation.

● Social media may be a concern in some areas, but it is a question of how it is used - there will be no Catholic presence to find, if the space is filled by someone else.

● Church participation, in whatever form, provides hope and supports developing faith. Restricted access excludes people from faith. ● People want the Diocese specifically, and the Church more generally, to understand the social and economic barriers they face.

● The need to welcome people is consistently mentioned, but is not defined. Some people include the need to accept people as part of welcoming people, others unconsciously frame their welcome with boundaries.

● According to priests, the Diocese needs to make connections with, listen to, include and learn from different cultures, instead of keeping its distance.

● The Church needs to carefully consider how it treats divorced Catholics.

● The Church needs to carefully consider how it treats LGBTQ+ Catholics.

● Practical, physical access to the Church is often not a priority, causing problems for those affected.

● Linguistic access affects both non-English and English speakers.

● Gaps in education cause people to call out for training in their faith; they want to engage spiritually and for the Church to facilitate meeting with God.

● Technology should be used positively to enhance the Church’s position and voice within society.

● Wanting to be Christ-like is a common value, even if there are different interpretations of what being Christ-like means. ● Service is seen as a core Catholic value

● Being Christ-like is equated by most responses as meeting people where they are at.

● Dealing with historical abuses and trauma is still something that the Church is not perceived as having done effectively.

● When contemplating if/how to change, younger Catholics especially want the Church to think outside the box rather than resort to what has always been done. They want the Church to be organised according to how society functions now, rather than how it functioned hundreds of years ago.

● The words and values that people want the Church to be are interpreted in different ways by different people. The issue will become what the Church wants those values to look like in practice. transparent honest humble faithful servant-hearted Christ-like obedient teaching kind community-minded empathetic open safe listening outward-looking tolerant loving welcome modern compassionate approachable accessible non-judgemental

● There are questions that still need answering. ● What does inclusivity and welcome actually look like on a practical level? ● Quieter voices also need to be heard, as they are also important. Listen Talk Change

Put these in your diary

Key Diary Dates:

• Monday 1st July – Friday 15th November ~ Carry out Theme Gatherings in your parish.

• Friday 22nd November 2024 ~ Deadline for submitting a maximum of 2 proposals per Theme to Synod Office.

• January 2025 ~ All Synod Members to attend one Proposals Meeting.

• March 1st and 2nd 2025 ~ Final Synod Gathering and Mass.