St Joseph's Mossley 
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This newsletter starts  29.9.2024



Many people have asked if I am running a pilgrimage to Lourdes next year?  I am thinking of running a trip in the first week in September – This WILL NOT be with the diocese,  but an independent trip.  This depends on how many people are interested in such a Pilgrimage.  The cost will be the same as this year, i.e., £949 if sharing and £1234 if in a single room. I intend to stay in our usual hotel, The Grand Modern, and for seven nights, 8 days. If you are interested, would you please let me know as soon as possible, either verbally, or by text or email, just so I can gage the interest and book the appropriate number of rooms in the hotel. Note – we will not be using Bordeaux airport, but Carcassonne.


Required for St Joseph’s RC Primary and Nursery School, Mossley, part of Salford Diocese, for 1st January 2025

Group Leadership Spine L12-17 (Starting salary dependent on experience)

If interested, please see the diocesan website for further information.


Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - R.C.I.A

If you or you know of anyone who would like to find out more about the Catholic faith, and are considering a faith journey to joining the Church, there will be a meeting on 3rd November at 4pm, in the presbytery at St Joseph’s Mossley.  Please come along….Bring a friend.  There is no commitment, at this point it is a matter of finding out more about the Church.  You can leave at an time.  At this meeting I will explain how the process of joining the Church works.

Take Action on Two-Child Benefit Cap
The Bishops' Conference of England and Wales is inviting you to join other Catholics in taking action on the government's two-child policy on Universal Credit payments for vulnerable, larger families. All you need to do is complete a short e-Action form that automatically contacts your MP to outline your opposition to the cap. Head to to find out more and complete the form. 

Young Adults Mass
Young adults across the diocese are once again invited to join our next Diocesan Mass for Young Adults. The Mass will take place at 5.30pm on Sunday 13 October at St Augustine's, Manchester. Mass will be followed by a social and the next instalment of our fascinating series of talks on Catholic apologetics by delving into the world of G K Chesterton's Orthodoxy

Service of Remembrance for Lives Cut Short
A service to remember those who have died as a result of homicide, whether murder or manslaughter, will be taking place next month. The service is organised by supporters of SAMM (Support after Murder and Manslaughter) and will take place at Manchester Cathedral on Friday 25 October at 7.30pm. If you would like a particular person to be remembered, please contact Revd Canon Steve Williams by emailing

Caritas Salford Exhibition at HOME
A special exhibition of poetry written by people from our parishes who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless has opened at HOME in Manchester city centre.  The exhibition will run until December, so please do visit if you're able. You can find out more about the exhibition and the project which was run by our diocesan charity Caritas Salford, here:

Prayer and Action: A Camino Challenge
Bolton priest, Fr Chris Gorton has embarked on an incredible 924km running pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago to raise funds for diocesan charity, Caritas Salford. Inviting each and every one of us to be part of his journey, Fr Chris has shared a range of tools and resources to help us join him in prayer and action over the coming weeks. Find out more about how you can get involved at

Job opportunity with the diocese

Communications Team Administrator - Diocese of Salford (replacement role)
Appointment Type: Permanent
Working Hours: 28 or 35 hours per week, Mon-Fri. Some evenings and weekends required.
Location: Cathedral Centre 3 Ford Street, Salford, M3 6DP
Salary: £23,407 per annum (pro rata for part-time employees)
Find out more and apply at 

Report on "THE BIG LISTEN" please see the button at the top of the page for the full report!

 Weekday Mass

I would like to encourage you, if you are able, to join us for weekday masses on Wednesday and Friday at Sacred Heart and Tuesday and Thursday at St Joseph’s, Mossley.  I always think that beginning the day with holy Mass is a great way to begin any day.  Why not think about it and come along to join us?

THE 100 CLUB - Starting soon

If you missed the brief delivery concerning the reinstatement of the 100 club, here are the details. The church heating bill last year was over £6000; to support payment of this bill, and to keep the church and parishioners warm, it was agreed at a recent meeting relating to the big listen that the 100 club should be re-commenced; hopefully creating a weekly £50 towards the heating costs which is £2400 per year, as well as a £50 weekly prize, which will be split into £25, £15 and£10.. The cost would be as previously £1 pernumber (payable an advanced for people going away or to avoid weekly waiting). The signup sheet is at the back of the church but the draws an money collection will not begin until September. We are looking for volunteers to help establish a collection rota, if you would like to volunteer, please see the back of the signup sheet. Many of the previous collectors are now deceased and everyone benefits from the building's warmth, so the more volunteers for the Saturday 12:15 mass and the Sunday 11:00 AM mass the fewer occasions people will need to commit themselves to the collecting of monies. Winners will be printed in the newsletter and displayed at the back of the church and also on the parish website; prizes can be collected from the sacristy.

Weekday Mass

Please note the changes to the Mass times and venues this coming week.

Mossley Wednesday (Wed. is a requiem), and Thursday with the children and Friday in Uppermill.

A Caritas event seeking to promote a positive perception of disability and as such, reduce hate crime. 

Already confirmed to attend are some really interesting people:

The event is on Saturday October 19th and will include music and food.  10:30 for 11am, finishing at 2pm- Sacred Heart Gorton, M18 7WJ (Accessible venue)

 ore information and to book on our website: 


Join us for a short meditation on the Sunday Gospel from 7.30pm to 8.15pm on Thursdays. The Zoom opens at 7.15pm for a chat. All are welcome. Register for Zoom link by emailing: or call 01943 607287.

Manchester-based charity seeks new trustees
Out There - a Manchester-based charity founded by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul - is looking for two new recruits for its board of trustees to help guide the charity's mission to offer support to families affected by the imprisonment of a family member. To find out more about the position or the charity, please visit

Mass times this week


Monday No MASS

Tuesday 10am Mossley

Wednesday 10am Uppermill

Thursday 10am Mossley 

Friday 10am Uppermill

Saturday 12:15am Mossley

Saturday 6pm Uppermill

Sunday 9:30 am Uppermill

Sunday  11.00 am Mossley


Coffee is served after Mass on a Sunday morning, please join us if you are able.


Friday, October 4th

You can also give online at This Harvest season, we will mark CAFOD’s Family Fast Day on Friday, October 4th, the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi.

Envelopes at the back of church

A Reminder

Baptisms – only by appointment, please phone Fr Jim

Weddings – If you are planning to get married the Church requires six months’ notice of your intentions.

Masses received this week.

Lately Dead

Fr Ray Matus

Agnes Madden

Michael Hargraves



Margaret Buckley

Kenneth Balfe,

Sheila Hughes,

Eileen Riley,

Giles Greaves,

Alice Burns


Special intentions

Harry Heaton

Janet Heaton (Bir mem)

Sunday Morning Coffee

Every Week after Sunday Mass, we have coffee for about half an hour. Please come and join us if you are able.  It's a great time to catch up and have a chat.

A reminder – on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, there is half an our of Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament, if you can join us that would be wonderful. If you are unable to come to church but would like to join in this prayer time, it is live streamed – please go to the web site and follow the link to the live streaming.