Weekday Mass.
Communion under both kinds begins this week.
Masses this week.
Monday No
Tuesday 9:30
exposition 10am Mass - M
Wednesday 9:30 exposition 10am Mass - U
Thursday 11.30 Requiem Uppermill
Friday Mass 2.00pm Requiem Mossley
12:15am Mossley
6pm Uppermill
Sunday 9:30
am Uppermill
Sunday 11.00 am Mossley
Charity evening sing song
with Fr. Jim
All proceeds to The Good Life
I will be dusting off my guitar
and having a bit of a sing song, in the Conservative club on
Friday 14th February, beginning at 7pm.
Tickets now available
at the back of church £7 each.
If you fancy giving us a song,
you will most welcome.
Why not come along for an evening out with a
Mossley 100 Club Winning Numbers
1st prize 36 Ann
2nd Prize 38 Gabrielle Pye
3rd Prize 80 Ona McGladdery
Thanks for your
community brew in aid of Cancer Research on Monday 10th February at
the Satellite Centre, Wellington Road, Greenfield from 10 – 12. All welcome
Sacred Heart - CHURCH SHOP The shop is in great need of donations. Clothes, bric a brac, household items,
children’s toys and other things all gratefully received. You can also pop in for a cuppa and snack
anytime between 9am and 12.30 Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
Uppermill - CAFOD
QUIZ NIGHT will be held on Friday 7th
March at 7pm. Tickets on sale NOW
All services, Masses, baptisms weddings and funerals are live
streamed from both Sacred Heart Church and St Joseph’s in Mossley. Please go to the respective web sites and
follow the instructions.
next meeting for those wanting to join the church at Easter will be on 9th
Feb at 4pm in the presbytery.
you there!
are looking for ideas for social events for the parish, if you have any ideas
as to what we can do, please have a word with Fr Jim. Thanks!
Event – Fr. Jim’s sing song evening!
Pilgrims of Hope: Lenten TalksThe Diocese of Salford is holding a series of talks
this Lent that explores themes of journeying and pilgrimage through the lens of
the Jubilee. Each week, the talks will focus on a different person from the
Bible to help us better understand how the journey we are called to make this
Holy Week year is rooted in scripture.
The weekly talks begin on Tuesday 4 March at 11am at
Wardley Hall. Contact Sr Joan Kerley on or call
0161 971 7842 to find out more.
7th March
Centre – Uppermill
on Sale this weekend.
in Mossley most welcome, see Fr Jim for tickets.
Medjugorje September 2025
2025 is an amazing Year of Jubilee – Pilgrims of Hope – this is a special year
when we are invited to go on pilgrimage in some way. There is an opportunity to join one or both
pilgrimages to Lourdes and Medjugorje this year from our parishes. If you are interested in joining a pilgrimage
to Medjugorje in September (either 16th or 25th) please
let Mary farmer know as soon as possible as places will fill up fast this year.
COST: £749 sharing £899 single, from Manchester 7 nights B&B + dinner, Local guide and full programme included.
Brochure at the back of church.
For your information
The requiem mass for the late Stella Rudd will
be on Thursday 13th February.
Sacred heart church –
11:30am, followed by a service at
Hollinwood crematorium.
The funeral service for the late Anthony Greenwood will take place in St Joseph’s
Church Mossley on Tuesday 18th February at 1:15pm followed by burial
in Hurst cemetery.
The requiem mass for the late Mary Schofield will be on Friday 14th February, at St. Joseph's church, Mossley 2pm.
A Short Guide to Parish
We will also be holding a training session for anyone interested in finding out
more on Wednesday 21st May. Further information will be shared nearer the time
but please feel free to get in touch by emailing if
you have any questions.
Mercy Brothers (A group of our diocesan
Join us for a family-friendly night of musical entertainment with clergy band,
The Mercy Brothers. The concert will raise funds for our Diocesan Lourdes
Pilgrimage Fund, which supports our sick pilgrims and medical team. The concert
will take place on Friday 21 February at Hough End Centre, Chorlton. Doors
open at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £20 (free for under 16s) and includes a hot
supper. Book now: or phone the
pilgrimage office on 0161 817 2209.
Uppermill The course starts this week ,
Monday 10th February and runs for 5 weeks. Venues and leaders are:
Tuesdays 1.30 – 3.00pm at Greenfield
Methodist led by B Christopher & S
Wednesdays 8.00 – 9.30pm
at St Anne’s Lydgate led by H Edgerton & V Stocker
Thursdays 1.30 – 3.00pm at Delph Methodist
led by K McNally
Thursdays 7.00 – 8.30pm at Ebenezer,
Uppermill led by J Rosedale & A Lee
Fridays 10.00 – 11.00am at Uppermill
Methodist centre. Led by members of the
Celebrating the 2025 Jubilee of Hope.
This is a year of celebrations and prayer instigated by The Holy
Father Pope Francis. For more
information about the things that are happening please go to our Parish Web
Site, there you will find information about the beginnings of this special year
of celebrations.
World Youth Day Rome
2025 Are you aged 16-35? Are you looking
for an unforgettable opportunity to share your faith with other young
Catholics? Pope Francis has announced a special World Youth Day in Rome next
summer to celebrate the Church’s Year of Jubilee and our diocesan Youth Ministry
team invites you to be part of thisonce-in-a-25-year event! The pilgrimage will
take place between 28 July and 3 August. For more information and to register
your interest, please email